A Different Way To Heat Water

Water heating technology hasn’t changed much over the years. The same principle of having a large tank of water that is heated up has been the standard for a very long time, but there is an option that offers significant benefits, as well as, offers savings on energy,...

Let Your Feet Take A Break

Your legs and feet consist of a large number of bones, joints and muscles, all working in unison to keep you balanced. The surface on which you stand can have a big impact on your comfort. If you stand for a long time on a hard surface, such as cement, you can...

Something Sneaking Into Your Home

Radon gas. Homeowners hear about this gas quite often, and many feel like the danger of it is exaggerated, but that is far from the case. In fact, radon is the second leading cause for lung cancer, exceeded only by cigarette smoke, so it makes sense that you should...

Caring For Elevators

If your building has more than a certain number of floors, you might have an elevator installed. It could even be that you have one in a building with fairly few flights of stairs, but with a large amount of seniors using it. Since you own the elevator, you are also...

Why Are There Bubbles In The Toilet?

Have you ever taken a shower and noticed that your toilet starts to bubble? It is not an uncommon problem, and the reason for it is usually a blockage somewhere in your plumbing system. The reason for this is that all the pipes in your home are connected, and when...

Security For Your Rental Property

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, between 2 and 3 burglaries are committed somewhere here in the US. It is pretty sobering to think about, especially if you own a rental property. Indirectly, you are responsible for the safety of your tenants, and if you...

How To Prepare For Cold Weather

How much does it cost to heat your home in the winter? Do you think you can change the bill? It is possible to make a major improvement by preparing well for cold weather. There is one major component to your home that makes all the difference in the cost of heating...

What Is Wet Lumber?

​Wet lumber, is also called green lumber. It is wood which is used for construction that has a higher level of moisture that that of kiln dried wood for example. When a tree is felled there tends to be a lot of water in the cells of the wood. The term for water that...

Ventilation – Clean It Out!

If you have ventilation for your home, overtime dust and dirt can build up, thus reducing the good air quality of your home. How can you clean out your ducts to make sure that's your quality is good for your household? That will be the topic of today's article. it's...

Plywood VS OSB – Which Is More Applicable?

OSB and plywood are both used in construction, especially in roofing projects and in flooring projects. However, depending on the project, you will use one type of wood over the other. Both the pros and cons of each will be discussed in this article. OSB is a type of...

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